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                                                SPECTRUM OF SERVICES

1. All types of commodity expertise:

Contractual (according to the fulfillment of the terms of the contract / agreement):
-examination to determine the conformity of goods in terms of quantity, quality, completeness, marking with the requirements of the contract / agreement;
-examination of the condition of containers, wagons and holds of ships before loading cargo into them;
-determination of the technical condition of the equipment during operation.
Customs (for customs purposes):
- product identification;
-determination of the market value of goods for the calculation of customs payments;
-examination of used goods (confirmation used);
- fixing the state of the packaging, the quantity and condition of the goods at the time of transfer (receipt) to the temporary storage warehouse in the customs territory;
- selection of samples of goods for laboratory research;
- certification of the fact of destruction of goods under the customs regime of destruction;
-calculation of the rates of output of the product of processing and consumption of raw materials
Insurance (for insurance companies):
- assessment of the damage caused to the policyholder in the event of an insured event due to damaged goods.
-examination of the quality of new and used goods (determining the cause of the formation of defects and / or loss of quality of the goods in the presence of defects).

  2. Expert opinion

(not a valuation report) on the value of business, real estate, collateral, damage, vehicles, machinery and equipment.

3. Construction and technical expertise:

- Technical supervision of construction and installation works;
- Audit of estimate documentation;

- Inspection (visual and instrumental) and certification of buildings and structures;

- Verification of the results provided by the supplier (contractor, performer), provided for by the contract, for their compliance with the terms of the contract - (requirement 44 and 223 FZ);

- Examination of design and estimate documentation;

4. Legal services:

- Protection of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

- Preparation (issuance) of conclusions on the circumstances of force majeure.

5. Paperwork

for inclusion in the All-Russian non-state register of reliable partners for entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation and abroad.

6. Investment support and support for promising projects and ideas in the development of medium and small businesses.

7. Congress activities

- Training, business communication (conducting lectures, round tables, seminars, conferences and congresses on all topical issues of business life and economics)

8. Marketing services

- Intelligent marketing of goods and services by assignments.

9. Procurement services:

including carrying out, at the request of customers, authorities and entrepreneurs, non-state (independent) expertise:
- the validity of the initial (maximum) contract prices in order to counteract corruption in the field of procurement;
- the quality and conformity of the delivered goods, the results of the work performed, the services provided, provided for in the contracts, as well as the individual stages of the contract;
- when carrying out prequalification of procurement participants;
- when making purchases from a single supplier;
- for the purpose of determining the country of origin of goods with the issuance of appropriate certificates.


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